역사의 현장

베를린 전투 70년 후[70 years after the Battle for Berlin]

슈트름게슈쯔 2015. 5. 10. 20:23

1,Russian soldiers next to their cannons at August Street or Rosenthaler Street 

in this undated photo taken May 1945 in Berlin (top) and at the same location (bottom) April 20, 2015.
 (Georgiy Samsonov (top), Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters (bottom))

2,Russian soldiers taking position in front of a burning building at Frankfurter Allee

 in this undated photo taken May 1945 in Berlin (L) and at the same location (R) on April 19, 2015.
 (Georgiy Samsonov (L), Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters)

3,Russian soldiers took aim on top of the Reichstag building in this undated photo taken
 May 1945 in Berlin (top) and at the same location (bottom) April 20, 2015. 
(Georgiy Samsonov (top), Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters (bottom))

4,Russians soldiers stand next to a sign at an entrance of the Neue Reichskanzlei (New Reich Chancellery),

 the Chancellery of Adolf Hitler at Voss Street,
 in this undated photo taken May 1945 in Berlin (L) and at the same location (R),
 showing a window of a kindergarden, April 20, 2015. 
(Georgiy Samsonov (L), Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters)

5,A Russian army vehicle next to the Neue Reichskanzlei (New Reich Chancellery),

 the Chancellery of Adolf Hitler at Voss Street,
 in this undated photo taken May 1945 in Berlin (top) and at the same location (bottom) April 20, 2015.
 (Georgiy Samsonov (top), Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters (bottom))

6,Russian soldiers in front of the Reichstag building

 in this undated photo taken May 1945 in Berlin (top) and at the same location (bottom) April 20, 2015.
 (Georgiy Samsonov (top), Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters (bottom))

7,Russian soldiers in front of the Reichstag building 
in this undated photo taken May 1945 in Berlin (top) and at the same location (bottom) April 18, 2015. 
(Georgiy Samsonov (top), Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters (bottom))

8,Russian army vehicle at Gruenberger Street 

in this undated photo taken May 1945 in Berlin (top) and at the same location (bottom) April 19, 2015. 
(Georgiy Samsonov (top), Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters (bottom))

9,Russian soldiers next to a cannon at August Street

 in this undated photo taken May 1945 in Berlin (top) and at the same location (bottom) April 20, 2015.
 (Georgiy Samsonov (top), Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters (bottom))

10,People walk on Borsig Street 
in this undated photo taken May 1945 in Berlin (top) and at the same location (bottom) April 20, 2015. 
(Georgiy Samsonov (top), Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters (bottom))

11,Russian soldiers in front of the Reichstag building
 in this undated photo taken May 1945 in Berlin (top) and at the same location (bottom) April 20, 2015. 
(Georgiy Samsonov (top), Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters (bottom))

12,A Russian armoured vehicle at Ritter Street or Alexandrinen Street
 in this undated photo taken May 1945 in Berlin (top) and at the same location (bottom) April 21, 2015. 
(Georgiy Samsonov (top), Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters (bottom))

13,Russian tanks at Proskauer Street
 or Frankfurter Allee in this undated photo taken May 1945 
in Berlin (top) and at the same location (bottom) April 20, 2015.
 (Georgiy Samsonov (top), Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters (bottom))